Raya Island, also known as Racha Island, consists of two Ko Racha Yai and Ko Racha Noi islands, where “Yai” means “Big” in Thai and “Noi” means “little.” Absorb the white sandy beaches and crystal clear waters of both islands.
They’re popular tourist destinations for diving and snorkeling. Raya Island is situated around 12 km south of Phuket, where the Racha Noi is uninhabited. Racha Yai is the home to a stunning getaway resort with clear waters and a quiet bay offering a relaxing experience of escaping from the noise of urban life. The island is the best spot for nature lovers and water sports enthusiasts.
The island’s main beach is the Ao Tawan Tok, situated in a u-shaped bay filled with snow-white sand. Shallow-water coral reefs and clear waters make the island an ideal spot for snorkeling. It houses three resorts, including Baan Raya Resort, Racha Phuket Resort, and Bungalow Raya Resort, where the Racha Phuket Resort is a 5-star luxury hideaway.
Activities to partake in Raya Raya Island is famous for its snorkeling and scuba diving activities. Head to the bay on the east coast of Koh Racha Yai if you’re seeking a perfect dining spot. The smaller Racha Noi is ideal for advanced divers with its deeper diving spots.
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