Ancient Olympia
Visitors will have the opportunity to see up close the site of the Ancient "Sacred Forrest" which was the name of Ancient Olympia.
Built on the North riverbank of Alfeios, it consists one of the greatests World Heritage sites (UNESCO), as well as an icredible natural landscape that evolved to the biggest religious sanctuary of the Ancient World.
Like Time Travellers, we are magically transported to the site where the Olympic Games were held, the most important national event of Greeks, which according to tradition and myths began long before 776 B.C. (the official starting date/point) from Pelopa who won in a race track the King of Pissa, Enomao. Older indications of human presence in Ancient Olympia, were discovered the 4rth millenium B.C. to reach its peak period the 5fth century B.C. during which, politics, philosophers and artists were gathered to spread their ideas.
We will visit the Zeus Temple where the 12 meter high, Golden and Ivory Statue of Zeus was exposed (one of the 7 Wonders of the World) we will see the Philippeio: the unique circular construction, a gift to Zeus from the Great Alexander's father (the King Philippos the Second) a temple which was completed by Great Alexander himself. We'll also visit the Ancient Olympic Stadium,the Palaestras (the Athelic Field where wrestlers fight) Hera's Temple, Ancient Olympia's Museum, the recunstructions of the Romans who allowed the conduct of the Games without interruption until they ceased in 393 AC. by the edict of Theodosius I, Emperor of Byzantium.
Temple of Epicurean Apollo
At an altitude of 1130 meters between Ilia, Arcadia and Messinia, it resists one of the most important and best preserved monuments of ancient Greece.
The only one that combines all three architectural rhythms (Doric, Ionic, Corinthian) made by the Parthenon architect, Ictino, after suggestion by the priests of the Delphi oracle.
The UNESCO World Heritage Site was dedicated by the Figals to Epicurean Apollo, that is to the assistant and supporter of war and disease.