We are visiting the Temple of Athena-Nike the history from the 5Ct B.C 2.500 old.The monument its Part of the Acropolis
and Victory means NIke .Its the Temple they used to pray the Atheneans before the battles
Olympic Games Temple of Zeus the King of Gods the birth place for the Ceramony for the Olympic Games for Athens.
Was built from the Roman King Andrian and has 104 Columns and they are 13metters Hight.From the 2 Century A.D. also the baths for the Athletes to be purified for the Olympic Games
The first Olympic Games from 335B.C The birthplace for the Games .The Capacity of the Stadium is 65.000 and also the End of the Mararathon is there
The best view of Athens the highest point of Athens 250 metters high and visitiors can see all Athens and take photos
Every hour is the changing of the Guards the Evzones as we call them.Evzone means armed soldier and they Guard the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.The Temple of Democracy.
Since thev 6ct B.C.The God of Weapons and Theseus originaly
he was the Greatest Athenean hero and second only to Hercules from all the Greek Heroes
Tower of the winds the first Copmputer of the world Ancient Clock Count Days And Time by Archimedes and Andronikos.
Wind Gods inside the Roman Agora from the 2 Century A.D
Roman era Forum all made by Marble from Thassos Island.
Built from Andrian
Inside you can visit Adrians Library.
The Ancient Greek Citiy From the 7ct B.C.
Plaka means peace of Marble.
Driving with us for a few minutes so that you can take photos of the Ancient City of Athens
From the 5Ct B.C the Ancient Greek Agora for the fleemarket
all made by Marble.
The Greeks use to go there for buy or animals ,slaves,weapons kind of Bazar.The Temple of Volcano God of Weapons.
We are doing a big stop for one hour.
Akropolis its the highest point of the city inludes Temple of Athena Nike ,Temple of Erehtheion,Temple of wingless Victory
and the Herodus Atticus Theather also Dionysous Theater
All visitors can visit the Tomb of the unknown Soldier and the changing of the Guards Every Hour.
The Parliament House was the Palace of King Othon and King Konstantin.
A great Monument for the Visitors