Guided tour of the Hassan II Mosque
Explore the historic sites of Casablanca by visiting the old Medina, Place Marishal, and the northwest corner of Place des Nations Unies. This guided tour will take you through these emblematic places of the city for a rich and authentic cultural experience. Address: Old Medina of Casablanca, Place Marishal, northwest corner of Place des Nations Unies, Casablanca 20200, Morocco.
Rick's Café, Place du Jardin Public, 248 Bd Sour Jdid, Casablanca 20250, Morocco. Rick's Café gained iconic notoriety thanks to its role in the film industry, in particular thanks to this defining scene shared by two cinema legends: Ingrid Bergmann and Humphrey Bogar
The Corniche of Ain Diab, a walk along the coast where one can discover the elegant buildings of the district of Anfa and Maarif, the large avenues and an architecture which combines the modern style and the Moorish style.
Opportunity to enjoy the main public beach as a seaside resort of 6.5 million inhabitants of Casablanca
Place Mohamed V, located in the center of the city, is populated by pigeons and attracts many visitors from all over the world to discover Casablanca through this emblematic square.
Our Lady of Lourdes, Rond-Point d'Europe, Casablanca 20500 Morocco.
This was a surprise for visitors. A stunning cathedral with contemporary architecture, with colorful glazed walls surrounding the church. There is also a cave decorated with a statue of Mary, surrounded by flowers and candles.
Place Habbous, located near the Royal Palace of Casablanca, is a historic district of the city built during the French colonial period.
This attracts many visitors to Casablanca, it is a busy place and is ideal for people wanting to experience local Moroccan life.
We have a total transport time of 45min to 1h between all attractions.