1st Stop - Plaza de Armas
It is located in the district of Lima Metropolitan. It was founded in 1535 by the Spanish conquistador Francisco Pizarro and known as the "City of Kings" due to its important status as capital of the Viceroyalty of Peru from the mid-sixteenth century to 1821. The Historic Center of Lima retains until the today the most illustrious examples of Spanish monumental architecture. The most important historical monuments of public character are represented by numerous churches and convents, as well as mansions that preserve the tradition of the Hispano-American Baroque.
2nd Stop - Callao
The National University of San Marcos is a public university located in the city of Lima, Peru. At the national level, being the first university founded in the country, it is considered the most important, recognized and representative educational institution. At continental level, being the first officially founded university and the longest in continuous operation since its founding, it is recognized as the oldest university in America,
3erd Stop - Jiron Conde de Superunda 298
The House of Osambela or Casa de Oquendo is a building built during the viceroyal period of Peru. It rises over the old novitiate of the Dominican fathers, destroyed by the earthquake of 1746, and part of the orchard, facing the street of Veracruz, in the historic center of the city of Lima. It is one of the largest mansions in the center of Lima and is notable for its wide facade and balconies of excellent quality.
4rd Stop - Jiron de la Union 224
La Casa de Aliaga is a colonial-style building located in the historic center of Lima. The building dates from May 1536, during the city foundation. It belonged to Don Jerónimo de Aliaga y Ramírez. It was destroyed by the Earthquake of Lima of 1746 and rebuilt by Juan José Aliaga and Sotomayor. In the 19th century, a series of works were carried out.
The original construction was based on quincha and adobe. The architecture is eclectic in style due to several changes made since its construction. The styles present are Renaissance, Mannerist, Baroque or Neoclassical
5th Stop - Jiron de la Union
The Gran Hotel Bolívar is a three-star hotel located in the historic center of Lima, facing Plaza San Martín. It was the first large modern hotel building that was built in Lima in order to accommodate the guests for the celebrations of the first centenary of the battle of Ayacucho in 1924.