Through all playhouses that were established in history, Ancient Theater in Epidaurus always had the highest place among them. Its repute had been traveling through the world since the 4th century B.C. This UNESCO World Heritage Site in Greece hosts thousands of mortal human beings every year.

The Rosario Islands are the perfect place to discover a special biodiversity in the world. The islands are unique in beauty, being the home of incredibly blue seas and colorful coral reefs. Isla Rosario has an aquarium and an open-sea oceanarium (Oceanario), giving you the chance to experience the ultimate exploration.

Located in southwestern Nepal, the park is surrounded on the north by the Rapti and Gandak rivers. South of this park is India. Due to the proximity of this park to several rivers, several lakes have been formed in this park that provides water to the forest and the creatures that live in it.

Chora Church is one of the most distinguished historic sites in Istanbul, Turkey. The Church of Chora is very old, and it has experienced many incidents and has been rebuilt several times. One of the most costly renovations to the church took place in the 12th century after an earthquake almost completely destroyed it. The last renovations of this church have been done to turn it into a mosque for Muslims. In Byzantine times, this church was one of the most important churches, and people came from different places to watch and worship in it.